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Eupnea monitors patient breathing

Wireless, individual, and mobile. Secure and real-time readings

Eupnea is developed by a Norwegian team of healthcare professionals and innovators in sensor technology and data communication. A small wireless sensor is attached to the patient and transmits measurement data over 5G to the cloud without the need for local equipment or Bluetooth.


Changes in respiratory pattern and rate is the most reliable early indicator if a patient's health is deteriorating. Recognizing these changes gives a head start that can prevent serious incidents, such as cardiac arrest or emergency admission. Yet, respiration is still recorded manually. During a busy shift, other tasks often take priority, and manual measurements are approximate and infrequent.

Hvordan Lunge


Eupnea’s wireless sensor is easily attached to the patient's chest. The sensor is comfortable to wear and avoids cables and battery replacements. Respiration is measured continuously, reliably, and securely, with the data encrypted and anonymized, sent to a Norwegian cloud-based data center that runs the platform. Healthcare personnel can view the data through the platform and receive alerts for critical changes.


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The patient

The sensor follows the patient and is designed for maximum comfort and mobility. The platform secures and anonymizes all health data. Eupnea eliminates manual errors and omissions. Most importantly, detecting early changes in the patient contributes to optimal treatment and can save lives.

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The nurse

When Eupnea takes over time-consuming respiratory monitoring, healthcare personnel can focus on other important tasks, reducing workload.

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Haraldsplass Deaconess Hospital currently has digital monitoring of all other vital signs except for respiration, which is still counted manually. Respiration is the vital parameter that changes the fastest during disease progression, yet it is currently monitored manually. The sensor and system will therefore replace a manual task for nurses, free up capacity, and enhance patient safety at the hospital.


Eupnea is a company with special focus on respiratory control. With dedicated medical and technical expertise, our core team creates innovative solutions for the future healthcare.

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Øystein Theodor Ødegaard-Olsen

Øystein Theodor Ødegaard-Olsen

CEO / Project Manager

Jarle Heimtun

Jarle Heimtun


Kari Laupsa Helvik

Kari Laupsa Helvik

Head of Growth - Business Developer

Andreas Tunset

Andreas Tunset

Chief Quality Officer (CQO)

Ib Jammer

Ib Jammer

Head of Research

Tørris Sjøset

Tørris Sjøset

Medical Director

Dagrun Waag Linchausen

Dagrun Waag Linchausen

Chairperson of the Board


Eupnea collaborates with leading research institutions, healthcare professionals, technical developers, and innovation partners to ensure the highest quality in our products. We are open for collaboration with further professionals and investors who share our vision and want to shape the future of respiratory monitoring.

Logo HaraldsplassLogo Haraldsplass

Intelligent sensor technology

for real-time respiratory monitoring

Eupnea AS
c/o Eitri Medical Incubator
Haukelandsbakken 31, 5009 BERGEN
Org: 918140964
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Copyright 2024